
Constitution Review

3 March 2015

Fireball International Update


In my first post as Commodore I committed to arranging a review of our constitution to prevent a re-occurrence of the problems seen during the last Commodore's election. I happy to announce that Vyv Townend has agreed to team lead on this task. He is the man for the job

Looking into the class constitution and how it works is an important part of Fireball International's way forward. I wanted to get a team together who could do just that, with a team leader who had the necessary expertise for the job. Vyv probably needs no introduction but just in case; he is a 5x Fireball World Champion and very respected throughout the entire sailing world. Vyv has the expertise and a background in Consultancy and Business management.

I regard him as ideally qualified for this task and believe that we are very fortunate to have his skills available to us. Vyv is going to start by picking his team members and then he'll get started on the constitution.

We'll keep you all informed.

Steve Chesney
Commodore, Fireball International



Steve Chesney - 27th February 2015