
Nomination of Flag Officers

13 May 2023



Dear Presidents and Secretaries

The 3-year term of our Flag Officers will end by this year.
According to our constitution (see below) Council shall call for nominations. Please take note, that after two full terms, I will not stand as FI Commodore anymore.

May I ask you to nominate candidates and provide all information needed until August 31st 2023.

Please address your nomination to our secretary Linus Eberle:


Our constitution says:

7.3 Council shall call for nominations for Flag Officers not less than eight months prior to the expiry of the current term of office. Nominations shall be closed four months prior to the expiry of the current term of office.

7.4 The Commodore shall be nominated by a NCA and seconded by another NCA. The Rear Commodores shall be nominated by a NCA in their region and seconded by another NCA.

7.5 In the absence of a nomination, the Council shall appoint the Flag Officer.

7.6 Council, as the case may be, shall elect or appoint the Flag Officers two months prior to the expiry of the current term of office.

7.7 Flag Officers shall be elected for a term of three years and may be re-elected.

I'm looking forward to your nominations!

Fireball International shall profit from new ideas and the ongoing love for our phantastic boat and the Fireball Spirit: Fast, Fun, Friendly!


Your commodore
